" Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse. We got the power "
"Gestes de résistance"

The desire to put into personal perspective, the current mutations, this mixture of impressions when we are far from the events and we look at them... Sensation of change, an era which questions habits, certainties. things seen by habit, slyly anchored in respectability, are suddenly looked at with circumspection... Question mark why was granted this stature , need for a historical rebalance, where the feminine has its place.
The gestures of resistance, how this resistance is currently expressed, the vigor, the force of expression of the demonstrators, the beauty of the gestures of resistance, of opposition to power, from the umbrella revolution in Hong Kong to the “Black Lives” movement Matters”.Umbrellas to protect against tear gas and at the same time a rallying of peaceful hope, umbrellas against armor.

Gestes de résistance pyrography on cotton linen canvas, tarlatan 2024 24x12 pouces Catherine OLIVIER
Following a reflection on the heritage of the Paris Commune, the presence of women in the Commune, their investment in education for all, women's rights, with their involvement even in the barricades, a sentence from Louise Michel stuck in my head :
“ Remember that utopia is the reality of tomorrow ”

maquette du projet sur papier

detail of Geste de résistance pyrography on cotton linen canvas, tarlatan 2024 24x12 pouces
Pyrography on double fabricsFor the project I will use a technique that I regularly practice working with fabric, with pyrography fibers on double fabrics one in cotton linen behind the other in front on a transparent canvas, tarlatan .
I create the drawing through burning, the fire heats and hurts at the same time, weakens the drawing. Pictorial paradoxical situation, where pleasure and pain follow one another.
" What the fire licks has another taste in the mouths of men. What the fire has illuminated retains an indelible color. What the fire caressed, loved, adored, gained memories and lost..." Bachelard